October 25, 2024
Ask Deepak

Can meditation substitute for medication?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“Do you think that ,despite progress in the spiritual quest, some individuals need medication to control these conditions? 

Or, do you think that continuing meditation and mindfulness will bring all beings to a peaceful state of mind?”


I assume the conditions that you are talking about that might require medication are serious events, like psychotic breaks or such. 

In my experience, there are some rare cases where medication is helpful in the short-term to help someone deal with such an extreme psychological episode.

In those cases, it is better to back off the meditation and spiritual practices until stability and balance is restored.

Again, in my experience these situations that require pharmacological intervention are very rare. 

In most cases the occasional bumps on the spiritual path are easily handled with various natural supportive techniques.



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