March 11, 2025
Ask Deepak

Becoming Conscious.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Is becoming more and more conscious (Sakshi) about yourself, your thoughts, your being a gradual process? I could easily do this during certain periods of the day e.g. early morning when I get fresh and ready to go for work, while walking on the road alone, and sometimes while working.  I feel it difficult during certain periods of the day, e.g. when lots of thinking is going on,when I come home from work tired or when going to sleep. And certainly when I sleep I am totally unconscious. Is it something I need to practice, and gradually consciousness will increase? Or, does it happen all of a sudden? Will the witness within me become fully conscious all the time, forever? I am practicing as well and I have read through so many spiritual books.


The process of becoming fully aware of your true nature is a matter of your Self recognizing itself independent of the mind or body. So that awakening does not happen in time and space, or as a body/mind experience. That Self is always there; it only needs to be noticed. But to maintain this state of awareness permanently requires that we release the conditioning in our mind and body that holds us in a sense of identity as a separate, limited person.  Overcoming all the old conditioning about our false self takes some time. Meditation is traditionally recommended early in the morning because, as you mentioned, that is the time of day when our mind and body are fresh and rested. By opening our awareness to our silent witness, we affirm what we truly are and work on dissolving the illusions that we have been operating under. Eventually, the reality of our essence becomes permanently established; this is known as enlightenment, and from there, self-realization maintains itself and cannot be lost.



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