April 14, 2019

Accepting the pace of spiritual growth.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


It seems to me that I am not able to accept the pace of my spiritual growth. I always find myself in endless ways trying to speed up the process by learning everything at once or practicing everything at once and arriving at a point where I can accept myself fully without regrets and remorse of my inabilities. Perhaps I am not able to accept my pace, my capacity of learning… I am usually constantly finding myself trying to enhance my capacity of learning and being impatient about it…. I always beat myself up for believing to be able to do a better job of learning that I am not doing…. what can I do to resolve this situation?


Your lack of acceptance of your spiritual growth reflects a general lack of acceptance of yourself.  You find it hard to trust that your spiritual development is proceeding as quickly as it should, because you still don’t trust in the spiritual organizing power of your inner nature.

Our soul is completely aligned with the infinite intelligence of the cosmos and it knows exactly what spiritual experiences we are ready for at what time. That intelligence is our higher self, and it orchestrates all our needs and progress in perfect harmony with all of creation.  When we think and act from that core consciousness, we are at peace and know the pace of our growth is exactly what it needs to be.  When we are in our ego mind, then we do not trust our higher self and we feel that our spiritual growth is not moving as fast as we think it should.  As you say, it becomes another way to beat yourself up.

The resolution is to establish your awareness in your true self through meditation. As your practice develops, your identity will shift from your ego mind to your silent witness awareness, and as it does so, you will feel the peace and contentment that comes from knowing your essential nature.



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  1. Alena Adamkova

    I think high intelligence, may be problem, because ....we believe everything has to be complicated or sophisticated.......even the most simple ordinary details, like watching animals to play etc......therefore we dont see benefits, and cant focus fully and simply on meditation and the breath etc.

  2. Alena Adamkova

    I think high intelligence, may be problem, because ....we believe everything has to be complicated or sophisticated.......even the most simple ordinary details, like watching animals to play etc......therefore we dont see benefits, and cant focus fully and simply on meditation and the breath etc.

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